Make Your Own Opportunities

As the founder of Lean Forward – Continuous Improvement, I have over 20+ years of global experience in leading and implementing Lean strategies to drive business growth and achieve operational excellence aspirations.  In addition to my formal college education, I hold a Lean Six Sigma certification as well as multiple Lean certifications, most notably, a Lean Systems Program Certification from the University of Kentucky/Toyota Cooperative, which reflects my deep knowledge and expertise in the Toyota Production System.

The strategies Lean Forward – Continuous Improvement employs while working collaboratively with our clients include Strategy Planning and Deployment, Key Performance Indicator (KPI) creation coupled with the Lean Daily Management (LDM) process, utilizing our robust Lean Roadmap that incorporates a systematic approach to the use of Lean tools, and Lean Training for targeted employees.  Additionally, we lead kaizen events related to strategy and KPIs to achieve intended results as well as to grow confidence and model the continuous improvement mindset.

Strategy planning/deployment – We have a proven track record in obtaining and surpassing targets related to strategy deployment’s strategic breakthrough objectives.  This includes creation of x-matrices cascading from top level to all reporting levels within the organization, supporting Annual Improvement Processes (AIPs)/Action Plan (AP) identification, populating all strategy information into a software program to support full visibility and roll-up of targets, as well as train and coach the entire organization in all processes.

KPIs/LDM or the health of the business – We have experienced great success with our clients in the creation of KPIs and implementing the LDM process.  KPIs/LDM are related to the areas of Safety – protecting our employees, Quality – increasing internal and external customer satisfaction, Delivery – supporting revenue enhancement, and reduction of Costs – reducing waste in the process of producing the expected services or goods, as well as other identified KPIs.  This strategy includes creating KPI True North Boards with our recommended format, identification of the source metric data, and identifying roles and responsibilities of the area owner and LDM participants, populating all KPIs into a software program to support full visibility and roll-up of individual targets and a dashboard option, as well as train and coach the entire organization in all processes.

Lean Forward – Continuous Improvement Roadmap – Whether it is deploying strategy, improving the current state health of business operations through kaizen, or piloting Lean in a specific area, our Lean Roadmap incorporates a systematic approach that offers tools that can be used individually to support the previous listed strategies, or used in its entirety in a pilot area.  The tools fall within the following categories:

Standardize and Stabilize

  • Reduce Variability
  • Eliminate Firefighting
  • Create Consistency

Improve Flow

  • Eliminate Constraints
  • Improve Supporting Processes
  • Reduce Inventory

Advanced Lean Tools

  • Improve Equipment Uptime and Utilization
  • Reduce Changeover Time

Lean Training – The Lean Forward Lean training program provides participants with a comprehensive and effective approach to the implementation of Lean in their respective locations.  The knowledge and experience received from the program enables the participants to apply a methodical and logical approach to Lean implementation.   This methodical and logical approach follows the steps highlighted in the Lean Forward Roadmap.  Comprehension of this Lean approach is supported utilizing the LEAP (Learn and Apply) learning style, which ultimately gives the participants the confidence to begin the implementation process as well as to ensure each step is sustained once executed.  Sustainment of executed steps through the Lean Forward Roadmap only gives way to future improvements following the Plan, Do, Check, Act/Adjust cycle (PDCA).

These strategies and tools apply across diverse industries such as manufacturing/engineering, power and utilities, agriculture/food and beverage, service, electronics, oil and gas, biotechnology, and more.

You may ask, “Where do I prioritize my efforts, strategy deployment or KPIs/LDM?” which is a great question.  We want to focus on both simultaneously; however, strategy deployment will have its own prioritization methodology as well as the KPI/LDM process.

You may ask, “I have limited resources capable of implementing Lean initiatives in my organization, how do I support this?” again, a great question!  I would draw your attention to the resources we will identify on your strategy deployment x-matrices.  These are individuals that are leading a small group to create Annual Improvement Processes (AIPs) that are part of the roles and responsibilities of their current position.  This is nothing more than ensuring that these resources are working and supporting the aligned major objectives for the organization.  As for the KPIs and LDM, this is focusing support function’s attention on actual results vs. targeted results at multiple levels throughout the organization, working collaboratively with team members to solve problems preventing targets from being achieved, and implementing sustainable countermeasures to ensure the problem will never return.  Again, this is nothing more than ensuring that the support functions are focusing their efforts as part of the roles and responsibilities of their current position.  Additionally, I may add that as time goes by and after implementing AIPs and problem solving is occurring for missed KPIs, the firefighting that your employees do on a daily basis begins to go away, allowing them more time in their work schedules.

You may also ask, “I don’t have many Lean trained individuals to give guidance and facilitate these improvement events, how do we address?”, you guessed it, great question!  I faced this situation years ago when I and three other colleagues were in Corporate Lean roles to support a large global corporation that had approximately 80 facilities and surpassed 10,000 employees.  Imagine how many initiatives there were to address!  I believe in developing and empowering people to become change agents and leaders at their own locations. As such, I created the already mentioned world-class Lean training program and trained over 450 employees globally.  This not only supported Lean events within the company, but also provided developmental opportunities that led to job satisfaction and advancement for the employees.

With our diverse base of knowledge and experience coupled with exceptional interpersonal and influential communication skills, we have performed at a high level in all previous engagements. We enjoy the challenge of developing a clear vision of what needs to be accomplished, establishing objectives, and providing the skills and motivations necessary to achieve those goals.

I am confident that we can help your company meet or exceed its improvement goals. Thank you for considering Lean Forward – Continuous Improvement and we look forward to hearing from you soon to discuss how we can contribute to your organization’s success.

Wes C. Hehn

Lean Forward – Continuous Improvement

Get In Touch

Chattanooga, TN

+1 (402) 670-6768
[email protected]